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   Get and/or Set file's time

   Function:   XPftime()

               Using XPftime(), one can change the Time of a file
               that was previously opened using Extend's fopen().
               XPftime() also returns the current time stamp.

   Syntax:     XPftime(<h>[,<cTime>]) --> cTime

   Arguments:  <h> is the handle that was previously returned
               by Extend's fopen()/fcreate() or fcreateNew,
               <cTime> is the time you evt. wi to
               stamp the File with in the format time() returns
               it (ie. "hh:mm:ss").

   Returns:    The File time in "HH:MM:SS" Form.

   Usage:      see XPfdate()

See Also: XPferror() XPfdate()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson